Friday 30 September 2011

Cenote to self.

Today we did a 'cenote' dive which is diving through the tunnels and caves of fresh water located only on the coast of Mexico. Under the water is extremely clear but we still needed torches to see where there is no sunlight. It is definitely one of the most unique things we have done on our travels so far.

Heroes in a half shell.

Today we went for a scuba dive off the coast of Playa del Carmen. This time we went to a reef with a strong current and did what is known as a drift dive. The reason for this location was to see and swim with the tortugas (turtles) and we were lucky to see a few of them up close. A really amazing experience.


Today we had so much fun as we went to one of the theme parks near Cancun. At Xplor we were able to do 2kms of zip-lines, drive 4x4 cars through the caves, paddle rafts and swim through the cenotes. It was more like a theme park for adults than kids! And we have lots of silly photos to prove it.


Still in our hire car we drove onto more Mayan ruins, this time located at the ancient site of Coba. This time the ruins were inland in the jungle. The best part of the ruins was that we could actually scale and climb them. The worst part (for Kelly) was seeing the tarantulas crossing the roads on the way home. Yikes!


We were a bit more excited than usual as we had hired a car and got to drive down the coast to the ruins of Tulum. The unique thing about these ruins are that they are built on the edge of a cliff and look out over the ocean. We even got to walk down onto the beach and take a quick swim to cool down.

La Isla Mujures.

Today we went on a booze cruise to La Isla Mujures off the coast of Cancun. The tour was all inclusive and everything was planned for us.  It was a chance for us to relax, have a drink, chill out on the beach and enjoy the entertainment.

Chicken Pizza.

Today we went to the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza. The pyramid itself was overwhelmingly impressive and it's the 3rd of the 7 Wonders of the World that we have visited so far on our travels. Unfortunately you are no longer able to climb the pyramid but it definitely didn't take anything away from the experience.

Spring Break bitches!

We flew straight into Cancun, Mexico expecting to find a bit of a trashy resort but loved it straight away. The beaches are beautiful and the water is the brightest shade of turquoise. It's definitely not the best place for backpackers so for the next we we splashed out a little, booked into a nice hotel and went out every night.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Central America.

A new day, a new continent. We are now in Panama City in Central America. The city itself was a bit of a suprise to us. It is very modern and extremely new and clean. There were lots of high-rise blocks, shopping malls and a big american influence. We could definitely see a big change from South America.

Snor- Kel & Zak.

Today we spent the day in and under the water. We snorkelled around the reefs and even on a sunken ship near one of the islands. We treated ourselves to a little waterproof camera and had fun taking pictures of all the fish. The only problem was getting them to stay still long enough to get a photo of them!


After 2 days at sea we finally arrived in the San Blas Islands and it was more than worth the wait. I never thought I'd ever get to use the word 'paradise' in this blog but it is the only word to describe this place. We dropped anchor next to one of the many deserted islands for the day and took it all in.

Pirates of the Carribean.

Today we left South America and boarded on to the Gypsy Moth to travel by sea from Columbia to Panama. The first 2 days at sea we were in the middle of the ocean with nothing but water for 360 degrees. It was also a bit choppy at times and we took shifts through the night to man the skippers wheel.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Adios South America.

After spending over a month in Colombia and 4 months in South America it is time to set sail and leave for Central America. So it's goodbye to Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Equador and Colombia. We have had such a wonderful and varied time here and we are now ready to start the next stage of our adventure.

Friday 9 September 2011

Sweating it out in Cartagena.

We are now in Cartagena and it is HOT! The old city is very beautiful and all the painted houses look really good. The only problem is you can't go outside for more than 5 mins without breaking into a sweat. Luckily there are lots of nice cafes and restaurants to take refuge in.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Trek. Day 3.

We got up and made our way back out of the jungle via the Peublito ruins and a good 4 hours of trekking. On our way we seen monkeys, frogs, lizards, an iguana, spiders and lots of ants. By the time we got back to the hostel we were dripping in sweat and smelt pretty bad. It was quite an experience to say the least.

Trekking. Day 2.

After surviving our first night in a hammock we got up and started walking again. This time to our second campsite at Cabo San Juan. We spend most of the day just laying on the beach, reading and swimming. In the evening we got safely into our hammocks before a big lightening storm began to break overhead.

Welcome to the Jungle.

Despite Kelly being bloody scared we trekked into Tayrona National Park. On the first day we walked for a couple of hours through the jungle until we reached the first campsite. By then we were so exhausted that we went for a well needed swim, had a can of tuna for dinner then jumped into our hammock for the night.