Thursday 29 March 2012


While in Paris we did all the 'touristy' things you'd expect; the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Champs Elysees, the Arc d'Triomphe as well as visiting the Louvre and the Museo d'Orsay but my favourite thing was the bridge that is covered in padlocks. Needless to say I had to add my own for prosperity.

Barcelona. Oh my Gaudi!

Barcelona was amazing. In particular we spent a lot of time visiting the Gaudi buildings and they are very impressive. We also visited both the Picasso and Miro museums but just the city itself was beautiful. The only disappointment was not getting to see a football game... oh well, next time!


It had been a while since we'd had to use our Spanglish so going to Madrid felt good. We spent our time there walking around in the sun although it still wasn't very warm. We visited some museums, art galleries, the park and took in as much european culture as possible. It's a beautiful place to visit.

Monday 5 March 2012

Ratho EICA.

While we've been in Scotland, Ross has been taking us climbing at Ratho. The EICA is built onto the side of an old quarry and is the largest climbing centre in the world. It's a pretty spectacular place and really fun but bloody hell you're arms don't half hurt the next day!


While we were in Berlin they experienced a bit of a cold snap which meant that the average temperature for the week was around -10 degrees. It was so cold that the rivers and ponds were completely frozen solid which made them good for sliding on.

Auf wiedersehen pet.

We went to Berlin for the week and it's one of the best places we've been to this whole trip. There is so much to see and do including art galeries, museums, the Brandonberg Gate, the Reichstag, the Berlin Wall; not to mention all of the street art. It's a bit of a culture mecca to say the least.

Aussie Invasion.

For the next week it was pretty full on with 8 of us staying at the house and trying to fit in as much tourist stuff as possible. We went on a few trips including a day out in Edinburgh. We climbed the Scot Monument, had a pub lunch and took a walk up to the top of the Royal Mile to the castle.